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空間×言論ゼミの9つの都市論|9 Theories for the Urban Research


01 社会的再帰性|Theory of Social Reflexivity



The concept of Social Reflexivity presented by Anthony Giddens refers to the unobvious customs and traditions, the exposure of people to exposed life choices and risks, and the self-awareness to question themselves and social norms. There are both positive and negative aspects to this, but if we focus on the positive part of the "Ability to rebuild society in its own circumstances" it will be an important guideline to discuss the direction of town planning and city planning. What are the possible planning guidelines?

Theory of Social Reflexivity targets the ability of people to recognize and target the environment that governs their lives, and reorganize it using new knowledge and information; it is the liquidity that is a prerequisite for a wholesome society. This concept’s area of discussion has a common purpose in both urban theory and practice.

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廣瀬耀也「社会的少数者による「再帰的共同」の諸相とその成立条件―多数派/ 少数派を分かつ障壁の顕れとしてのオフミーティングに着目して―」早稲田大学修士論文, 2019年1 月より

02 ラディカル多様性論|Theory of Radical Diversity



The intensification of the global population movement has prompted strong rejection and conservatism in Western societies, and has caused conflicts over diversity. The movement to protect a particular ethnic culture is being theorized as "interculturalism," that contrasts "multiculturalism." In Japan, diversity, including ethnicity and culture, has begun to be discussed, but the diversity incorporated in urban policy is still nominal, and most of it can be criticized as a "convenient variety." Is it possible to develop a radical diversity theory beyond the conflict between moral diversity theory and the reactionary "Revanchist City"?

Theory of Radical Diversity is an area of discussion that criticizes the fact that many aim for "a convenient variety" in the context of "realizing diversity" as a new form of political correctness, and attempts to disassemble and redefine the diversity that should be sought in various ways.

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03 パラレル都市計画史|Parallel History of City Planning



What distinguishes urban planning from other disciplines is that it shares the premise that it has a huge target of "city" and that it spends a lot of time and money for planning. For this reason, there is a contradiction within academia that research and discussion can only be implemented in society through a fixation on "issues to be tackled by all." Is it possible to have an argument in which the theme that has been discussed appears to be different by deviating from the narrative of urban planning, or by introducing issues in different fields?

Parallel History of City Planning is a re-examination of the authoritative history in the area of urban planning from a different perspective. This is an area of discussion where attempts are made to relativize legitimate urban planning theories and to extract issues that may have existed.

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津島英征・後藤春彦・吉江俊「東京における再開発等促進区77事例にみる都市更新の変遷 —地区計画の目標と建築専門雑誌記事に着目して—」日本建築学会計画系論文集 83(746), 2018年4月より

04 包摂のインフラ論|Theory of Infrastructure for Social Inclusion



The importance of communities remains a central theme in sociology, particularly in the context of modernization, and remains an important part of today's urban planning domain. However, glorifying the traditional way of community, which includes two aspects of inclusion and exclusion, does not seem to be the only way to underpin human activities. From the perspective of "social infrastructure of inclusion" that includes and transcends communities, what approaches can be taken?

Theory of Infrastructure for Social Inclusion seeks broad infrastructures that are necessary for a society in which diverse people coexist. This is an area of discussion in which the means of practice are accumulated based on the research on pioneering approaches that have already been conducted, questioning the ideal form of inclusion in the modern age.

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津島英征「歴史的市街地における新規参入者の「まちなじみ」— 出来事のスコアリングによる人間関係の多様化と地域活動の深化の分析を通じて —」早稲田大学修士論文, 2020年1月より

05 パフォーマティヴ場所論|Theory of Performance Forming Place



With rapid economic growth, as well as uniform and dry development, criticism began based on the "Location" having been destroyed. "Location" is contrasted with "space" and is said to be a semantic space where people live. So how are places formed, inherited, and destroyed? Here, we see "Location" as a bundle of small activities. When we transform "Location" into the verb form of "place," the abstract discussion opens up to the analysis of concrete and innumerable acts. How would the structure of a place then be described?

Theory of Performance Forming Place considers "place," which has been discussed abstractly in contrast with "space" in the area of architecture and city planning, to be formed through the accumulation of concrete actions by people, and discusses its formation and succession. It is a discussion area which develops the theory of place in the middle region between abstract and concrete.

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松永 幹生・後藤 春彦 ・吉江 俊「大学街における場所の慣習的利用にみる「場所感覚」とその継承- 東京都新宿区高田馬場地区を対象とする大学生の空間利用調査より-」日本建築学会計画系論文集  84(760) , 2019年6月より

06 スパイキー生活学|Modern Lifeology for “Spiky” Groups



City planning is a discipline that deals with human beings as well as space. But there has often been a simple picture of family households as good taxpayers, and those who deviate from them that should be protected. However, people living in cities are diverse, complex, and inseparable. Could a new horizon be opened up for a new theory to capture people, referring to the theory of "life history," which involves closely reading people's stories and accompanying them as their neighbors?

Modern Lifeology for “Spiky” Groups attempts to extract new issues by dealing with groups of people who have not received much attention in the area of city planning, and by closely following their life history. It is an area of discussion that highlights the abnormality of what has been recognized as "normal" by planners.

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小山真由「桜島居住者にみる降灰地で暮らし続ける工夫とその背景にある〈共〉の感覚」早稲田大学卒業論文, 2018年10月より

07 リミナル空間論|Theory of Space in a Liminal State



The influx of the middle class into urban areas as a result of industrial restructuring, and gentrification, has become the focus of attention around the world, and has led to a debate on urban rights and the value of common. Sharon Zukin's concept of "Transient space (liminal space)" is not limited to gender recognition, but covers "spatial exposure" — "Public and private" — and "Culture and commerce" among social conflicts at a turning point. What "space of transition period" can we find, and what insights can we derive from it?

Theory of Space in a Liminal State focuses on the "space of transition period" in which the framework of modern society, such as working and living, public and private, has been dissolved and entered a new state. It is a discussion area that presents a new spatial vision through the analysis of urban phenomena in the midst of change.

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泉川時「再都市化過程における神社の空間変容と開発圧力の構造— 東京都区部の神社の形態学的分析および開発経緯のオーラルヒストリーから—」早稲田大学卒業論文,  2019年10月より

08 都市の離陸論|Theory for “Takeoff” of Urban Reality



Changes in consumer behavior that are closely linked to the mass media appeared in urban space in the 1980s. Downtown areas such as Paris, Manhattan, and Shibuya attracted the most attention at the time, but now even residential areas are on the rise in terms of consumption. Information landscapes are covering urban spaces and deeply regulating all human behavior. What can be done to capture the changing urban reality — from both spatial and temporal experiences — and to describe the dynamics of a new urban spatial change?

Theory for “Takeoff” of Urban Reality focuses on people's desire in an information and consumer society. It is the area of discussion which foresees the future urban environment when the motivating force of human action principle and the dynamics of spatial change will become image-oriented and separated from the actual physical condition.



石綿 朋葉「口コミ情報の地理空間的分析に基づく「食の経験」の分布構造と集積を生じる環境要因」早稲田大学修士論文 , 2019年1月より

09 思考の七つ道具|Seven Tools of Thought



The space speech seminar consists of more than 10 members, each of whom conduct research on a free subject. In this small community, thinking about ways to accumulate and refine knowledge while at the same time encouraging reflexivity, seems like a minimal experiment in managing a “place” that promotes social reflexivity for people in cities. How can knowledge be refined in a fluid organization where 1/3 of the members are replaced in a year? On the other hand, can we discover and work on new themes and concepts every year without becoming static or dogmatic?

Seven Tools of Thought is a typical concept and methodology that is repeatedly cited among the ways of thinking and practices in the spatial speech seminar. These are areas of discussion of the "practice of research" done through the seminars rather than "content of the study."

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