
吉江 俊|Shun YOSHIE
共著に、『クリティカル・ワード 現代建築』(2022年、フィルムアート社)、『コミュニティシップ』(2022年、学芸出版社)、『吉阪隆正 パノラみる』(2022年、ECHELLE-1)、『無形学へ かたちになる前の思考』(2017 年、水曜社)ほか。
主要論文に、「首都圏における住環境の価値表現としての住宅広告の「語り」の時空間的動態」(2015 年、日本建築学会計画系論文集716 号)、「都心回帰下の首都圏における住環境のイメージの空間構造とその遷移」(2017 年、日本建築学会計画系論文集738号)など。
UIA2011 東京大会設計競技 JIA 賞銅賞・茨城賞(2011 年)、U30 都市計画- 都市設計競技 最優秀賞(2014 年)、早稲田大学早苗賞(2014 年)、日本生活学会 博士論文賞(2021年)ほか受賞。
研究情報(research map)
欲望の地理学|Geography of Desire

バブル経済の崩壊とともに人びとが都心に流入した結果、そこでは〈都市〉で住むことの価値が改めて発見されることになった。およそ30 年のうちに、暮らしの価値は「いえ」から「まち」へと展開し、現在では様々な生活像や地域像といった多様なイメージとして描かれる。すでに、物理的環境を上回るように、情報やイメージが新たなランドスケープを形成しつつある。21 世紀の住環境を捉えるにあたっては、そうしたイメージに満ちた環境を生きる人びとがどのような欲求に従って動いているかを解明する必要がある。「欲望の地理学」は人びとの「欲求」と市場の「価値」とのダイナミズムによって都市の変化を初めて描写する試みである。
This research is a geographical analysis of a large number of condominium advertisements to reveal the “desires” people have for their living environment.
As a result of the influx of people into the city center following the collapse of the bubble economy, the value of living in the “city” has been rediscovered. Over the past 30 years, the value of living has evolved from “house” to “town,” and is now depicted in a variety of images of life and community. In order to understand the living environment of the 21st century, it is necessary to understand the desires of the people who live in these image-filled environments. Geography of Desire” is an attempt to describe urban change through the dynamism of people's ‘desires’ and market ‘values’ for the first time.
迂回する経済|Urban Development based on "Roundabout Economy"

Contrary to the “straight-forward economy,” which emphasizes short-term profit recovery, this study advocates a long-term, sustainable “roundabout economy” and considers the balance between economics and public interest in urban development.
He advocates “roundabout economy” in which companies pursue their own profits while at the same time improving the public life of the community and solving social issues, and has conducted a series of practical studies. As case studies, he focuses on private companies such as Odakyu Corporation's “Shimokita Rail Road Town” and Tokyu Corporation's “Gakudai Elevated Project,” as well as his own efforts to develop next-generation residential areas with house manufacturers. In addition, he played a leading role in the development of Waseda University's campus master plan, and is working with private companies to develop the off-campus district as an "open innovation valley".
近代アーバンデザイン論再考|Modern Urban Design Theory Revisited

(右)東京都現代美術館「吉阪隆正展 ひげから地球へ パノラみる」2022年/企画監修
都市計画・建築計画というふたつの専門領域が乖離した現状を課題視し、それらが統合的に理論化されていた1920年代(都市計画法制度の成立期)および1960年代(欧米理論導入期)の都市計画思想研究に取り組んできた。これまで『クリティカル・ワード 現代建築』(フィルムアート社、2022年)や都市計画学会誌特集『都市計画古典再論』編集を務めるとともに、1960-80年代に活躍した都市計画家・吉阪隆正を扱った展覧会「吉阪隆正展」(東京都現代美術館)企画監修・展示計画に携わるなど、論文にとどまらない研究成果の社会的発信を行っている。
Urban Design, which crosses architecture and urban planning, is pursued with a focus on two eras: the 1920s and the 1960s.
He has been studying urban planning thought in the 1920s (when the city planning law system was established in Japan) and the 1960s (when Western theories were introduced), when these two specialized fields of city planning and architectural planning were being theorized in an integrated manner. He has edited “Critical Words: Contemporary Architecture” (Film Art, 2022) and a special issue of the Journal of City Planning Society, “City Planning Classics Revisited,” and was involved in planning and supervising the exhibition “Takamasa Yoshisaka Exhibition” (Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo) on the city planner Takamasa Yoshisaka, who was active from 1960 to 1980's.
公共景のデザイン|Design of "Public Scape"

This is a study of the effect of visual information in landscapes on people's proactive placemaking, or the role of “public views” and their design.
When can visual information be public? Our research begins with this simple question. QFRONT in Shibuya, for example, provides a view of the scramble crossing from a high vantage point. This is a landscape that is representative of Shibuya's identity. It is clear that “creating a viewpoint = opening up a field of vision” has a public nature of some kind. From this perspective, the question is how to democratize the “privileged view,” like that of a castle keep in a former castle town, through a “free space.
In my research, I will take over the “ecology of vision” that Gibson once proposed and engineer it with VR and eye-tracking technologies. Furthermore, by connecting these discussions of “affordability,” so to speak, to “publicness,” we will open up a research field to analyze “cities in the era of private development” in the 21st century.